About NCSU PhysTec

PhysTEC at NC State University is a collaboration of the Department of Physics and the Department of STEM Education. The goals of the NC State University PhysTEC project are to encourage more students currently enrolled in physics and engineering programs to explore, and to prepare for, a career as a high school physics teacher. We will make the physics teaching curriculum options more visible and accessible to physics and engineering students early in their undergraduate studies, when they could most easily transfer. Consistent with the results of the University of Colorado, a campus of similar scale and mission, we seek to consistently produce two PhysTEC-qualified graduates per year.

We are funded by the national PhysTEC program, a partnership between theĀ  American Physical Society (APS) and the American Association of Physics Teachers (AAPT). PhysTEC is funded primarily by the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the APS’s 21st Century Campaign. The program has received additional contributions from the Department of Physics and the NCSU STEM Education Initiative.

The Annual Report of the NCSU PhysTEC programs is located on the PhysTEC website.
